Your Guide To Making More Money
Your Guide To Making More Money
This is the year to making more money. Taking action now is the first step towards making what you're worth. This kit will help you address that “icky feeling you get” talking about money. It will help you research what you should be making. Walk you through having uncomfortable talks with potential employers or your current HR department.
You’ll learn different ways to handle questions like: “What are you making now?” or “What salary do you expect?” and gain the ability to calmly ask for a better compensation package.
You’ll quickly learn how you can avoid leaving thousands of dollars on the table.
*All MoneyInstigator resources are created and sent as digital guides.
How it works
If you want to make more money you have to be comfortable talking about a topic that makes most people squirm: money. This kit will step-by-step you forward so you:
know what you should be making
can more comfortably talk about your strengths and weaknesses
nail a job interview using a great resume, Linkedin page and great body language
know how to navigate uncomfortable HR questions like “What are your salary expectations”
follow up on an interview and set yourself apart from other candidates
You won’t believe the immediate difference this kit will make to your interviewing and salary negotiating skills. A $10,000 difference in salary at your first job, can mean a difference of between $500,000 and a $1M over the course of your whole life.
"I have focused on my portfolio, my CV, and my personal presentation. The one thing I didn’t really think about til I read this was my worth."
Cory G, 34
"I loved reading this kit! It’s so informative and nicely designed. I really appreciate the sections that invite participation… Now I feel more confident when I have those uncomfortable '“money talks" with my different clients."
Vanessa L, 26
You don’t have to negotiate alone
When you read “Your 2019 Guide to Making More Money” you’ll immediately start to notice the difference in your confidence levels as your degree of preparation shifts into high gear. This kit is an easy, smart way to step firmly into the top earning years of your life.
What's inside?
In this 50-page kit, we’ll walk you step-by-step through the most important aspects of feeling more confident so you can have better negotiations, and start making more money.
We know talking about money isn’t comfortable for more, but with a little elbow grease you won’t settle for anything less than what you know you’re worth.
We’ll give you prep tips that help you:
Talk more confidently about your work-skills
Interview with self-assured body language
Follow up like the empowered human you are
Prepare for uncomfortable questions like “What salary do you expect?”
Ask you for a better package, more vacation days, better benefits, etc.
Knowing what you should be making isn’t magic. Your boss, the HR department or any company is most likely not going to tell you the right number either. They are in business to make money, and part of that means they want to get their employees at the best rates!
We’ll tell you where you can research salaries and exactly how to ask others what they make. HINT... it’s not: “So, what do you make a year?”
Part of being a great candidate is knowing yourself and what you bring to the table. But if you’ve never had a full-time job, or you’re interviewing in the big leagues for the first time that can be challenging.
We’ve made learning how to talk about yourself, your strengths and even your weaknesses easy with our easy to fill in Smartsheets*.
*Smartsheets are like worksheets, but they’re more fun and they make you smarter!
Negotiating a raise or a higher salary is stressful. There is a lot of stuff that can feel really overwhelming, so this kit is part how-to but also founded on inspirational and motivational thinking.
We want you to succeed. We want you to get the most money you can. Because when you make more, you live a better life. You pay off your loans faster and can more easily give back to the community. We believe in living well. So let’s do this!
From keeping your Linkedin profile and resume up to date to cleaning up your social media feeds (or taking them private) —we’ll help you next-level your income.
We don’t leave you high-and-dry when it comes to the tough questions. We talk you through different ways you can answer all these questions:
What are your salary expectations?
Can you give me a range?
Why do you think you deserve more money?
And after you’ve gotten an offer we’ll walk you through exactly how you can sound encouraging but also ask for a number that’s more in line with your research!
Almost no one likes talking about money. Its uncomfortable, but when you’ve done your research, gotten your ducks in a row, and know how to present yourself… it’s a lot easier. We’re excited for you and want to hear how it goes!
Do you guarantee I'll more money if I buy this kit?
We want you to succeed and we've put our heart and soul into these guides. That said no one can guarantee you anything. For that reason Money Instigator does NOT accept returns or provide exchanges or refunds for purchased digital products or publications – no exceptions. We do NOT re-issue download links after link expiration. If your download link expires, you will need to re-purchase the product for a new download link.
Does it really matter if I negotiate my this job? Can't I make up the money later in life?
Because a lot of women and some men don't negotiate hard enough early in their careers, the salary difference compounds over time. So instead of making $55k at your first job, you make $35. So you move to $55k for your second job instead of moving to $70k or $80k. Over the course of your life you could be missing out on $500,000 to $1M.
I feel rude if I don't thank the company for the job offer. Why is thanking them a bad idea?
When you thank the company, you're suggesting you're happy with their offer and it's possible you are not. It's best to simply respond to their offer by saying "Your offer is a solid place for us to kick things off." This type of response is encouraging, but also give you room to ask them to improve their offer.
Your "2019 Guide To Making More Money" talks about body language and follow-up notes. That stuff is totally old-school. Do you really think it matters?
When you are competing against others for a position, it never heards to dot your i's and cross your t's. And one way to stand out positively is always going to be GREAT MANNERS. So by all means come across as warm and poised, and take the time to send thank you follow-ups.
I can't talk about money. No matter how hard I try. It just makes me uncomfortable.
I hear you. It's really hard. I would suggest you start by taking baby steps. Start by talking to friends and family about what you paid for things. Then negotiate with vendors, and practise negotiating for things you don't really care about. It also helps to pretend you're negotiating for a friend. Many of us are fabulous negotiators for others!
Even this kind of practise can be great helping you get more comfortable. Remember, money is an abstract concept and your quality of life is really what you're negotiating for.